Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Executive Chair – Karen Potter, Tri County Technical College
Immediate Past Chair - Tookie Nemchak, Red Hot Homes at NorthGroup Real Estate
Chair Elect - Michael Heater, Marriot Courtyard
Treasurer of CCBOD - Amber Miller, Anmed Health
Secretary of CCBOD - Dj Laws, Clemson University
Board Members
Barbara Shehan, The Abernathy
David Kopelson, The ROAR
Dianne Bitzer, Retired City of Clemson
Gina McIntosh, McIntosh Insurance
Hunter Kome, Prisma Oconee/Easley Baptist Memorial Hospital
Michael Heater, Marriot Courtyard
Stephanie Hoffman, Attorney at Bannister, Wyatt & Stalvey
Scott Drury, Drury Law
Daja Davidson, Blue Ridge Electric
City / Town Representatives
Andy Blondeau, City of Clemson - City Administrator for Clemson
James Atkinson, Town of Six Mile - Mayor of Six Mile
Lynn Merchant, Town of Pendleton - Town Council for Pendelton
Catherine Brooks, Town of Central - Council Member of Central
Higher Education Representatives
Dj Laws, Clemson University
Emily Holley, Southern Wesleyan University
Karen Potter, Tri County Technical College
Andy Blondeau, City/Town Representative
City of Clemson - City Administrator for Clemson
Karen Potter, Executive Chair, Higher Education Representative
Tri County Technical College